Where Have You Been?


Some of you may have been wondering what happened to me for most of 2018. Well, for pretty much all of the year, starting somewhere in January, I’ve been pregnant. I’ve written about it once or twice and then disappeared from the face of the earth. I didn’t mean to, but life got busy, and really my workouts dwindled. When I say “dwindled” I mean almost completely stopped.  Well, once I hit the third trimester I mean totally and completely stopped. The third trimester is TOUGH!  All you mamas out there who have more than one child, I am amazed by you. Seriously!  I was not a happy pregnant lady. I felt downright sick my first trimester; I felt much better my second trimester, and then I felt just huge and uncomfortable my third.  That isn’t even taking into account labor. Anyone who goes through labor without an epidural is my hero, because I didn’t. After three hours of active labor I looked at the nurse, who had just told me I was only four centimeters, and said, “So… what are my pain management options?”

All that to say, I really did nothing fitness-wise for most of the year aside from eating healthy for my baby. Oh, and here is how adorable my little rainbow baby is!


Now it’s 2019!  A brand new year, and no more excuses for not working out!  Well, one giant excuse, but I want to be a good example for him.

I was think about how amazing this new year really is for me.  As I’ve mentioned before, back in 2017 I had a miscarriage right around Thanksgiving.  It was a loss I felt very deeply, and it overshadowed my Christmas and New Years.  This Christmas and New Years was the exact opposite.  Here, instead of mourning a loss I was celebrating firsts.  Little man’s first Christmas and first New Years.  2019 is going to be a year of firsts.  The first time he crawls, his first word, his first attempt at solid food, it will be firsts for everything both for him AND for me as a new mama.  I’m extremely excited about my year of firsts!  I’m excited to get back to some old habits as well, including exercising and cooking.

Little man is almost three months old, which means I’ve taken nearly three months to heal up. I have to get back to some basics. I need to rebuild my core and my pelvic floor.  I need to build my stamina back up and get back into cardio.  I KNOW my arms are shot and I’m back to square one when it comes to doing pull-ups.  This year I want to focus on getting back to where I was when I got pregnant. I had just completed two rounds of P90X3 and was feeling fit and strong.  I know I’ll have to work around my tiny tyrant’s schedule, but I’m hoping to start out being a good example for him and that means exercising!

What does that mean for this blog?

Look forward to all sorts of lifestyle updates!  From workouts to skin care to life with an infant!  I plan on using this as a place to talk about my experiences, share some funny stories along with struggles and adventures.  Someone on here asked me what my blog was about. Well, it’s about my journey I suppose. It was mostly supposed to be about my fitness journey, but now with a brand new baby that fitness journey will also involve the new mom journey and anything else that comes to mind.  I will also be trying my hand at some cooking.  This is a lifestyle blog, I suppose.  At least, it’s a blog about MY lifestyle and life for me has been pretty awesome so far.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season, and I’m wishing YOU all the best in your 2019 adventures! Can’t wait to see what’s in store this year!